I am in a waiting mode for the second week with no touching or reading any security-related articles. I was so "saturated" with it for the last 4 month while preapred myself for the CISSP certificatione exam, that now I decided to give a break to my brain.
Yes, I took a CISSP exam at the last day of March. I'll describe my experince later, after I'll get the feedback from ISC(2). I am waiting for the second week and wondering why does it take so long to let people know about their exam result? The answers to 250 questions are being submitted on the electronically-friendly form. All it takes is to scan the form and get the results. So, why people should wait for so long and feel somewhere between the sky and the ground? Do we deserve more quick results?
We definitely deserve quicker results! What's the deal?
btw, how did you come across by blog at blog.netjitsu.net?
It's a Google search engine, man! You can actually ask Google to send you e-mails with an appropriate content (ex: keywords CISSP exam).
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